Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Britt's November Challenge, Day 6: The Hayes boys

Today I was able to pull away from the school work and spend a few hours with my two favorite kiddos. Carson and Holden Hayes. I have been babysitting these two since they could barely walk and am so blessed to have maintained such a strong relationship with the Hayes family, that allows me to still hang with them. They are, by far, the coolest 6 and 10 year old boys I know.

In my wise age of 26, I have realized that true, authentic and lasting friendships are very rare. It takes both sides being very invested in maintaining the friendship for it to actually last and these two boys are a perfect example of the people I want in my life forever, and have proven they will be.

Today, on day 6 of Britt's November Challenge, I am most grateful for: The Hayes boys.