Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Britt's November Challenge, Day 7: Flu shots

That's correct ladies and gentlemen, today, I am thankful for flu shots. Haha, more specifically I am grateful to be able to apply the skill I have obtained through my nursing education to real people and not just an mannequin in a lab. Today we administered flu shots to the employees, physicians, nurses, PTs, OTs, and everyone working in the hospital as it was policy to be vaccinated. Although some people were not happy about the requirement, we tried to make the "needle poking" experience as fun as it could be while learning a lot about the uniqueness of patients, mechanisms to increase comfort and things to NEVER do. It is in the clinical setting that I am able to apply my knowledge from the classroom to real people and ultimately be the best nurse I can be. So on day 7, I am thankful for flu shots and the requirement by the hospital for all employees to be vaccinated, so I am able to practice.