Monday, November 5, 2012

Britt's November Challenge, Day 5: Nathnael

Meet Nathnael, He is the coolest 6 year old in Ethiopia and I'm fortunate enough to sponsor him every month

Day 5, I received my first letter from my child sponsor, Nathnael and could not be more grateful.  His drawings, kind words and blessings have left my heart filled with an overwhelming amount of gratitude and happiness, enough to last me for months.  Food for the Hungry child sponsorship program is unique in that they reflect on the love of Christ in short-term emergency relief and long term work to end world hunger.  Their motto, "It's a walk that transforms a village" is truly demonstrated in their efforts to take impoverished families ideas and valuable knowledge, for solving their community problems. To learn more about their efforts, click here.

Although my relationship with Nathnael has only been through writing letters and prayer, we are developing a life changing relationship through this program and I am thankful to be involved. My goal after completing nursing school is to meet Nathnael. It will happen, mark my word.